Hula Networks office hours are from 8AM to 5PM Pacific time. If you need immediate assistance during our office hours, please call 1.866.HULANET or directly.
Please use the form below to let us know what equipment you are looking to purchase. Upon receipt, one of our customer service representatives will use the information you provide, to contact you with a quote.
As a pioneer in the wireless infrastructure market, Ruckus Wireless enables carriers and enterprises alike to stay ahead of the demand for high bandwidth applications and services. Ruckus Smart Wi-Fi technology redefines what is possible in wireless network performance providing flexibility, ultra reliability, and affordability. Ruckus offers a wide range of access points to cover specific needs from indoor (ZoneFlex Indoor) to outdoor ( ZoneFlex Outdoor) and mesh access points, from the most affordable to the very latest of the technology. ZoneFlex indoor ultra-fast and reliable smart WiFi access points with adaptive antenna technology bring power and simplicity together for large scale indoor deployments while ZoneFlex Outdoor use adaptive antenna technnology to deliver the range, reliability and durability you are looking for. Thank you for your interest in purchasing Ruckus Wireless from Hula Networks, one of our sales technicians will be intouch with you shortly.